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. Examinations sessions and entries are made at the discretion of the school principal at appropriate times during the academic year.

. Students will only be entered for A.B.D. Examinations when they have reached the appropriate stage of their training, and are physically and cognitively prepared to do so. This is at the discretion of the Principal.

Students wishing to take exams will be required to attend all regular classes plus 1 extra coaching lesson per week (usually 5 weeks before) and to practice at home at least once a week.

. Pupils are assessed entirely on an individual basis. Every pupil has the option not to enter for examinations, but encouraged to do so for progression purposes. If a child does not want to take part in the examination, the child will not be automatically permitted to move into the next level. This is at the Principal’s discretion.


© 2024-5 Judith Keyes School of Ballet

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