Timetable 2024/5
We try to keep changes minimal throughout the course of the academic year, but please note that this timetable is subject to review on a termly basis
All classes are in our vibrant purpose built dance studio at Unit 4, 269 Antrim Road, Glengormley, BT36 7QN
We want to provide our professional tuition to as many children & young people as possible, and will facilitate extra classes where there is demand. If you cannot see a suitable class time please email us at & we will look into accommodating your request, where possible.
4-4.45pm: Prep/Primary
4.45-5.45pm: Grade 1 Foundation
5.45-6.45pm: Grade 2-4
5.45-6.45pm: Grade 1 Foundation - 3
6.45-7.30pm: Pointe Class
7.30-8.30pm: Grade 4/5
9.30-10am: Baby Ballet
10-10,30am: Pre-Schoolers Ballet
10.30-11.15am: Prep/Primary Ballet
11.15-12.15pm: Grade 1 Found - 2
12.15-1pm: Competitive Ballet Class
*NB Timetable is subject to review on a termly basis