JK Studios, Unit 4, 269 Antrim Road, Glengormley, BT36 7QN
Car Parking: Car parking outside studio (limited), BP Garage opposite (maximum 2 hour stay) & Farmley Park (127 spaces)
Access to the Main Hall: We are unable to offer access to the main hall prior to your session start time.
Toilet Facilities: Toilet facilities are provided.
Nuts: We ask parents/guardians to be mindful of our 'nut-free' policy when bringing food. The school requests that parents and carers observe the nut-free policy and therefore snacks brought to class must not include nuts, or any traces of nuts.
Bins: Please use bins to dispose of all food waste.
Illness/Injuries: Please report any illnesses or injuries to the ballet teacher before class. If your child is suffering from any illnesses that are contagious please keep them at home until they are well again.
Absence: Please let me know if your child will be absent for any reason by emailing: judithkeyesdance@gmail.com or via text to 07547 703840
Venue Hire: Our venue is available to hire. Please contact Judith on judithkeyesdance@gmail.com or text to 07547 703840. Alternatively please complete the expression of interest form below.